Movie trailers can be beautiful things. Two and a half minute diamonds, where each
scene is a precisely cut facet meant to dazzle and catch the eye. Not all of them are winners, of course, but
when they are done just right, they can be more memorable than the movies they
promote. For decades I was sure I’d seen
THE OUTLAW JOSEY WALES, until I picked up the Blu Ray and realized it was only
the trailer, which I had seen a million times on HBO as a kid, that I was
remembering. That trailer was so
perfectly contained and tidy, it was all I needed. The full movie turned out to be pretty good,
but the trailer was magic.
Usually I don’t write about a movie unless I’ve seen it at least once before, but I wanted
to see if this one would live up to my trailer expectations. Can Michael
Laughlin’s 1981 mind control horror DEAD KIDS work as well in 99 minutes as it
does in 3:20?
The Capsule:
Strange things are afoot in the sleepy Midwestern town of
Galesburg. All the teens are eager to
sign up for some harmless psychological experiments down at the local college, including Pete (Dan Shor) and his best friend,
Jimmy Olsen (really named Oliver, but since the actor is Marc McClure from SUPERMAN, good
luck calling him anything else). The
money is good, but Pete is experiencing a few side effects, like mood swings,
black outs, and occasionally pissing blood.
Plus, his police chief dad, John (Michael Murphy) thinks the experiments might
be connected to the string of teen murders that has cropped up recently. Everyone thinks John is being paranoid, but the
deeper he digs, the more he is convinced it all leads back to the long dead
professor who ruined his life. Paranoid
or not, unless he’s careful, he might be the next person on the slab, possibly
at the hands of his own son.
DEAD KIDS is better known in the states as STRANGE
BEHAVIOR. It’s not a bad title, but come
on, DEAD KIDS is a showstopper. That
title gives you pause, regardless of what your reaction to it is. It was the same thing for me with the DEAD
KIDS trailer (the STRANGE BEHAVIOR one is nowhere near as interesting). I first saw it a while ago in a 42nd
St. Trailer compilation. It’s hard to
say why I liked it so much. There’s
nothing revolutionary about it, just another slasher/mind control mystery type deal with
little dashes of humor, but something about it seemed a little off. It has a lot of strange, disturbing imagery thrown
in with the lighter stuff. The most memorable part is a musical bit where a bunch of kids in costumes are doing this dance
number to Lou Christie’s Lightning Strikes.
The song is one of those ‘60s standards that you’ve heard a million
times. I never gave two shits
about that song before, but it completely changes in this context. It was weird and anachronistic and, like the
title, it stood out. I couldn’t quite
figure out what its deal was.
I have to admit, my favorite things in the movie were also
my favorite things from the trailer. The
costume dance party was only slightly less strange in context than out (I still don't know why they were all in costumes or why they made a whole synchronized number of a twenty year old song). Thanks to the trailer, I had a good idea how the movie was going to play out. There were a few surprises,
though. The biggest surprise was that
the movie, set in a small town outside of Chicago, was really filmed in New
Zealand. You know, where they shot THE
LORD OF THE RINGS. One of the most cinematically
beautiful places on Earth was used as a stand-in for Illinois. I’m sure Auckland is just a normal town, and
it did look dull and Midwestern enough for me to completely buy into it, but
come on. Turning New Zealand into
Illinois is like hiring Ryan Gosling to play Michael Myers. Seems like a waste to cover all that up. No disrespect to Illinois, you are a lovely
state and full of interesting things, but you’re no New Zealand.
The movie uses some very standard slasher tropes, even for 1981. There is a
masked killer (in a Tor Johnson mask!), lots of stalking, nervous victims bumbling
in the dark, killer POV shots, and a fair amount of literal slashing. The unusual turn is that, for the most part,
it pulls a gender swap. Most of the
victims are male. One girl is chased
after her boyfriend is killed, but she gets away and is never in danger
again. Someone’s mom buys it, but only
because she is in the wrong place at the wrong time. One of the killers (not a spoiler, that fact
is established early on) is even a woman.
Most shocking, the first (and possibly only) naked body
the camera ogles is that of the main character, Pete. There is a gratuitous butt shot as he heads
into the bathroom were his dad is shaving.
So it’s both gratuitous and weird.
I don’t think it was an attempt to be enlightened or fair to
the opposite sex, though, because Pete can be a real jerk. He blatantly flirts with a girl at the party
right in front of another one that obviously has a crush on him. His idea of making a good impression is to wait
for the receptionist he likes, Caroline (Dey Young), to close up her creepy office
for the night, grab her from behind and scare the shit out of her. For some reason she decides to go on a date
with him as opposed to macing him, kicking him in the nuts, and calling the cops. He doesn’t get much better on the date,
trying to order for her at the restaurant (she doesn’t let him) and stealing the cigarette she
just lit. Some of this may be due to the
experimental drug he took earlier, but I think mostly he’s just a dick.
His dad isn’t that much better. John’s been stringing along his girlfriend,
Barbara (Louise Fletcher), for years.
She constantly cooks for him and Pete, trying to earn his love with
pies, only to be barely acknowledged.
Instead of trying to calm her down when she is freaking out because he’s
being so paranoid, John drags her to a graveyard and has her help exhume a
body. These are not the most sensitive
cats around, is what I’m saying.
The trailer does a good job highlighting the best character
in the movie, the mysterious Professor Parkinson, who runs the experimental
program at the college. It is clear she
has sinister intentions from the moment she is introduce, with her icy, wicked
smile and perfect Sean Young in BLADE RUNNER hairdo. Like a classic femme fatale, she has Pete
wrapped around her finger from their first meeting. She seduces him with the promise of quick and
easy cash and drugs. When Pete gets
second thoughts about the procedure after being strapped down to a chair,
Parkinson reassures him by explaining he is participating in a “very exciting
experiment.” Then she injects a syringe INTO HIS EYEBALL! He should have held out for more than 100 bucks for that experiment.
She handles John just as effortlessly. She calmly listens to his rants about her predecessor,
Dr. Le Sange (Arthur Dignam), which only makes him look crazier in front of
everyone. Parkinson is not the least bit
concerned, even though she has his son restrained just down the hall.
It is fun watching Pete slowly get paler and more erratic,
all the while trying to play it cool with his girlfriend. Look, honey, people sometimes piss blood, it’s
nothing unusual. Strangely, Pete is the
only kid from the batch of test subjects to have that kind of physical reactions. The intent may have been to represent Pete’s
resistance to the nefarious mental conditioning. I guess his pal Jimmy Olsen didn’t have as
much of a moral dilemma about offing the school bully, because he looked fine the whole time.
Things take a weird turn in the final act when it comes to
the mysterious Dr. Le Sange. Eventually, John’s obsession with the deceased doctor, which involves his late
wife, is explained. However, we seem to be missing a
lot of the backstory, like what exactly the doctor was doing years ago that
caused such a scandal. It's hard to understand why John makes him out to be some kind of war criminal when all we see him do is overwork some of the staff and perform brain surgery on a chicken.
[Spoilers Ahead] And when it is revealed that Le Sange isn’t
really dead, things only become more confusing.
Pete, under the metal control of Parkinson, subdues his father and ties
him down. Then an old man in a
wheelchair rises dramatically from the floor on an elevator platform, wheels
over to John, and tears off his makeup.
It turns out that the old lab assistant from the beginning was really Le
Sange all along! Except, when we first
saw the lab assistant, he clearly had both his legs, and Le Sange is now a
double amputee. He mentions something
about having to sacrifice his legs for his plan, but there is zero explanation
about why or when that happened. There
is nothing in the story that connects with this; it is just a bizarre detail
thrown in for fun. Is there a separate movie out there following the adventures of Le Sange that converged with
this one at the end?
So how does the full film match up to my beloved trailer? Pretty well, I'd say. The off-kilter tone of the trailer carries through the entire running time, and surpasses it in places. I love an oddball ending, which this certainly delivered. Director Michael Laughlin created something just different enough to stand alone. He would go on to make the similarly skewed STRANGE INVADERS (actually filmed in Illinois this time, but sadly not pretending to be New Zealand), but he never followed up on his planned STRANGE trilogy, which is a pity. DEAD KIDS doesn't come together perfectly, but it provides a unique take on a traditional story. Now if I could just get that damn Lou Christie song out of my head.
C Chaka