I generally prefer my epicly bad movies to be vintage, 1995 or earlier (sweet spot, '75 to '85). The best, most enjoyable bad movies are the ones that don't see themselves as bad movies. They were created in earnest, with passion and the desire to create something of quality. They fail, but they often fail in spectacular, innovative ways. To paraphrase Donald Trump, we've seen quality before, it's boring. (Wait, that might have been a direct quote.) Contemporary films tend to be too self aware to really capture that magic. There are exceptions, like THE ROOM, but most "bad" movies today seem to be aimed at the people who want to ironically enjoy a movie just so they can laugh at it. I hate that pandering, winking, "isn't this the worst?!?" kind of attitude. I watch a bad movie to be surprised, baffled, charmed, and then to laugh at it. In an admiring way. So mostly I stick to the older movies for my fix. Every once in a while, though, I come across an oblivious, tone deaf modern masterpiece. Welcome 2007's I KNOW WHO KILLED ME to the pool.
The Capsule:
Aubrey Fleming (Lindsay Lohan) has the perfect teenage life
of being a piano prodigy, an aspiring writer, and giving her attentive jock
boyfriend blue balls. All this changes
when she is nabbed by a serial killer who likes to lob off the limbs of his
captives. After a not very exhaustive
manhunt, she is found in a ditch, minus an arm and leg. The only thing is… she’s not Aubrey, but
Dakota Moss, a skanky stripper from the wrong side of the tracks. Both the cops and her doting parents think
she’s delusional, creating Dakota as an alter ego to escape the trauma. Dakota knows who she is, though, and with the
help of her fancy new bionic limbs (!), she very, very slowly pieces together what
is really going on. The truth will be
more stunningly ridiculous than anyone could imagine.
On the surface, I KNOW WHO KILLED ME didn’t seem that
crazy. It was a stylishly shot mystery
with a hot young star playing a duel role.
There are ambitious (and heavy handed) nods to De Palma and Lynch. Seemed like a perfectly reasonable studio
thriller. Go a little deeper, though, and
it becomes a one way trip to a color drenched crazyland.
I guess this would be a SPOILER, but there is
no way to talk about this film without revealing the underlying premise. Dakota and Aubrey are stigmatic twins, separated
at birth. The deal with stigmatic twins is
that when one is injured, the other sympathetically feels the pain. Nothing new there, we’ve seen this bullshit
in plenty of movies and TV shows before.
I KNOW WHO KILLED ME takes it up a notch, though. Dakota doesn’t just feel Aubrey’s pain, she
gets the physical manifestation of the injury as well. As in, “oh crap, my arm just fell off for no
reason.” Like the best bad movies, it plays
this preposterous concept totally straight.
A little bit of awareness does creep in when Dakota doesn’t tell the
doctors or the cops because she knows they won’t believe her. When she does tell Aubrey’s dad (Neal
McDonough), though, he just goes along with it, instead of saying “Wait, that’s
literally impossible.”
It does bring up the question of how these twins managed to
avoid any serious injury up to this point.
Dakota doesn’t seem all that surprised by sudden, unexplained wounds,
though, so I guess Aubrey is the clumsy one.
It’s just another perk to Dakota’s wonderful dirtbag life. When her finger splits open and starts
draining pus in the shower, she reacts like it is a nasty hangnail. Even when her finger falls off, she just sews
it back on and hopes for the best. No
reason to go to the hospital, because, as she says, hospitals are for rich
people. That’s exactly what I think when
I’m in the Emergency Room lobby at 2am. Too many damn rich people. Hey
Rockefeller, can you pass me that six month old copy of Woman's Day?
I wonder if Dakota was ever up nights trying to figure out why
the hell she keeps getting tennis elbow.
Also, if Aubrey gets her eyes dilated at the eye doctor, does Dakota get
blurry vision? If Dakota takes drugs, does
Aubrey get a bonus high? The questions
are endless.
Other films have had concepts that make no sense in reality
(looking at you, THE PURGE) but turn out to be reasonably good movies. Luckily, I KNOW WHO KILLED ME does not rely
on a single wacko premise. Once the
movie hits its crazy stride, the director goes all in. Dakota gets a robot hand and leg, because why
not? At one point, she suddenly turns into Clarice
Starling, searching the room of a former victim (not a smart Clarice Starling,
though, since she doesn’t pick up on the clue that a four year-old would get). There are prophetic dreams with animated
tattoos. Near the end, she and Aubrey
turn into full-on telepaths. She
even has a vision straight out of a HARRY POTTER movie.
I do like how they work in the title of the film. Upon figuring out who kidnapped her twin, Dakota
dramatically tells Aubrey’s dad, “I know who killed me.” The dad rightfully points out that she is, in
fact, not dead (and using the movie’s crazy logic, neither is Aubrey). Like everything in the film, it sounds cool,
but it doesn’t make a damn bit of sense.
The movie also scores points for its wonderfully impractical,
amputation obsessed serial killer. First
of all, he makes all of his weapons and torture devices out of glass, because
nothing is more intimidating than an extremely fragile knife. He actually has a glass hatchet, which
convinces me he didn’t think things through.
I suppose it’s better than making deadly instruments from egg shells or
soap bubbles.
Second, his method of choosing victims is ridiculously
specific. Technically this would be a
spoiler, but the guy practically has a neon arrow blinking the word “killer”
over his head when he is first introduced.
It’s the piano instructor, and he only abducts (1) his own students, (2)
who have won a certain award, and (3) have decided to quit piano. I’m surprised he didn’t publicly give them
gifts of one glove and one shoe before the abductions. It’s a good thing for him that the cops and
the FBI are so astoundingly incompetent.
Otherwise they totally would have found his torture dungeon, also known
as his unlocked basement.
As far as his motives go, your guess is as good as
mine. I kept waiting for some flashback
or grim exposition. Maybe his overly
strict piano playing mother had a wooden leg, or he had some weird
psycho-sexual trauma tied into the blue stained glass in his boyhood bedroom
window. A couple of times it seemed like
he was about to go into it, but then nothing.
Just as well. It gives you the chance to make up your own motives. The backstory I created was that this freak was way, way too into THE
PIANO, especially the part where Holly Hunter gets her finger chopped off, and
he always fantasized about it being more extreme.
The closest it ever gets to explaining anything is one bizarre line about the color blue (Aubrey) being first place and red (Dakota) being
second place, and second place is not good enough for the killer. Not only does this not really make any sense,
but it comes dangerously close to having a character acknowledge the thematic
motif of the movie. It’s like Laurie
Strode saying that the events in HALLOWEEN really mirror her conflicted
feelings about sex.
I would be amiss not to mention another delirious aspect of the
film: Lindsay Lohan is the worst stripper in the history of cinema. Predictably, she follows the tradition of
high profile actresses playing strippers who do not actually strip. She can’t even be called an exotic dancer,
because nothing she does during her performances can be construed as
dancing. It’s more like staggering away
from a car accident. Was she
specifically instructed to move as slowly as possible and avoid even the hint
of rhythm? She is so lethargic that I
expected part of her routine to be laying down for a nap. It makes Grace Jones’ striptease from VAMP look like an erotic masterpiece. The
crowd in that part of town must be hard up for adult entertainment, because
they go crazy for her. Maybe the club
caters to necrophiliacs. Look how little
she’s moving. That’s so hot.
I KNOW WHO KILLED ME was not a rousing success when it was
released, or any time since. Perhaps it was too torture porny, a trend waning in popularity at the time. Perhaps the
baffling stupidity rubbed people the wrong way.
Perhaps America wasn’t ready to see the squeaky clean Disney nice girl
Lohan as a drugged out mess. Lohan was clearly ready, since she continued her string of bad behavior into the movie’s
unofficial sequel, LINDSEY LOHAN’S LIFE, including many guest appearances in police
mug shots and rehab clinics. (Don't worry, she outgrew that phase and is back to acting, fashion designing, and designing spray-on tan products.) Director Chris
Sivertson didn’t become a household name, except in the house that held the
Razzie awards. He’s still active in
films, but with much smaller scale projects, like co-directing ALL CHEERLEADERS
DIE with indie horror prince Lucky McKee.
Writer Jeff Hammond went on to do nothing in cinema ever again, at least
under that name. It’s a pity, I would
have liked to see what other works of inspired lunacy he could have
created. I KNOW WHO KILLED ME was an
ambitious failure. It reached for the
stars, didn’t see the curb, and fell into the gutter. And then was peed on by a drunken
hooker. It was a trainwreck, but I’ll
take that over boring and predictable any day.
C Chaka