It’s rare to find a truly amiable villain in horror
movies. Oh, they might seem nice... at
first. Terry O’Quinn seemed like the
perfect catch at the beginning of THE STEPFATHER (if you ignore the part about
him murdering his old family). Chucky promised to be Andy’s friend to the end
(slight exaggeration). And has there ever been as swell a guy as Edward Hermann in the LOST BOYS, with his dream of a modern,
blended (vampire) family? Sooner or later, though,
the facade begins to crack, and the darker motives start to bleed through. Pleasantness gives way to crazy. Except of course in the 1980 black comedy
horror, MOTEL HELL, where pleasant and crazy are bound together in the same package.
The Capsule:
Vincent Smith (Rory Calhoun) is about the nicest guy you’ll
ever meet. He is always ready to give
you a warm smile, a gracious word, and a cozy room at the Motel Hello (he
really needs to get the blinking “O” on the sign fixed). On top of that, he's the founder of Farmer Vincent’s Smoked Meats, known far and wide as the tastiest treat anyone can put in their
mouth. His sister, Ida (Nancy Parsons),
might seem a little strange, what with her habit of scaring the crap out of
young children while wearing a pig’s head, and his younger brother Bruce (Paul
Linke) may be a complete doofus (and the local sheriff), but Vincent goes out
of his way to make everyone welcome.
This is because he knows, “it takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer
Vincent’s fritters.” Critters like a
Russian themed punk band, some ski bunnies, a couple of swingers, and a nosy
Health Inspector. But when one of his
late night hunting trips bags the beautiful, free spirited Terry (Nina Axelrod),
Vincent sees more to her than just culinary potential. He heals her up, lets her help around the
farm, and lavishes her with attention.
Terry falls hard for the kind old gentleman, but how is she going to
react when she finds that Vincent is grooming her to take over the family
The best villains are the ones who do not think they are
villains. Some, like The Walking Dead’s Negan, believe they
have to do a little (or a lot of) bad to insure the safety of their
people. Some, like SEVEN’s John Doe,
think they are on a righteous mission of vengeance. Then there’s Vincent, the sweetest little
cannibal ever. His cognitive dissidence
is so strong that he thinks his worst crime is adding preservatives to his
smoked meats. Rory Calhoun, best known
from that Simpsons episode where Mr.
Burns describes a puppy as “standing there like a little Rory Calhoun,” plays
Vincent like the grampa you always wished you had. He is always smiling, a little cornball,
and never irritated. It’s not just an act,
either. Vincent is a absolute sweetheart. If this were a normal horror movie, he would
be the first one killed.
It’s just an unfortunate fact that strangers are the secret
ingredient to his widely loved meat products.
The movie never mentions how Vincent discovered the Reese's Peanut Butter
Cup style mix-up. All we need to know is
this is a man dedicated to supplying the tastiest smoked meats humanly possible
(and helping ease overpopulation as a bonus).
In his mind, depriving the public of his goods is a worse crime than
some innocent kidnapping, murder, and enabling mass cannibalism. He even tries to be humane to his
livestock. He plays soothing New Age
music after planting them up to their neck in his secret garden. Sure, he slices their vocal cords to keep the
noise down, but it’s done with anesthetic and the sure hand of his sister
Ida. Even when it is time for slaughter,
he uses some psychedelic gizmos to put everyone in a trance before snapping
their necks.
Ida is a little more of the traditional psycho, though she
too seems more reasonable than you would expect—when not lurking behind walls
with a meat cleaver. Nancy Parsons had a
very imposing presence (she would go on to portray Ms. Ballbriker in the
PORKY’S films), and she gives Ida a certain childlike quality that makes her
unpredictable and unnerving. Aside from
a few flashes of jealousy towards Terry, though, Parsons plays Ida on a fairly
even keel. She is just as dedicated as
Vincent when it comes to their life’s calling.
After force feeding the gargling heads in the secret garden, she
genuinely asks Vincent if he thinks people will appreciate what they are doing
someday. It’s as if they are trying to
cure a disease rather than providing a salty man meat treat.
She also has some disgusting eating habits, which is saying
something for a cannibal.
Vincent’s earnest and upbeat attitude makes it somewhat more
believable when Terry doesn’t complain about the MISERY treatment she gets from
her caretakers after her accident (which he caused). He’s so nice to her that she doesn’t want to
leave the farm. Not that she has
anywhere to go. She’s kind of lived out
of her motorcycle, and her biker boyfriend is (supposedly) dead. It’s sweet how they develop a father/daughter
Until things get weird.
Not on Vincent’s part, on Terry’s.
When she (wisely) spurns Bruce’s ham fisted attempts at romance, it seems
to be just because he is a horrible, bumbling slimeball. Then we find out she has more mature taste in
men. The father/daughter thing goes out
the window when Terry asks Vincent to become her (literal) Old Man. I can see why Vincent thought she might be up
for being his culinary apprentice. If
she’s ready to marry a 57 year old man she just met a couple of weeks ago, she’s
up for anything.
Incidentally, the whole motel angle is kind of irrelevant to
the plot. Vincent acquires most of his
victims from traps on the road. The one exception
is the swinger couple, who misidentify Motel Hello as being on their map of
“Hot Spots”. Like Vincent, these two are
highly dedicated to their lifestyle. Once
they get into their room, the woman gets into a dominatrix outfit (with whip)
and the guy comes out in a leotard, bra, and transparent skirt. They are actually excited when Vincent and
Ida ominously show up to snatch them (“Ooow, you’re into bondage!”).
Another colorful batch of victims is the punk band, Ivan and
the Terribles. The lead singer is the
only one really sticking with the Russian motif. Everyone else is wearing standard late ‘70s
punk/new wave outfits, he had an long stringy Rasputin beard glued to his face (not sure if
it’s bad stage makeup or bad movie makeup).
I don’t recognize that dude, but I do recognize the drummer, played by Cheers’ John Ratzenberger. So before he was Hamm in TOY STORY, he was turned into ham in MOTEL HELL.
All of the victims have some sort of mildly questionable
moral trait, but that has nothing to do with why they are chosen. Vincent is purely opportunistic. It doesn’t matter if they are rude, nosy, or
promiscuous. Vincent doesn’t judge. He just needs them healthy, and dumb enough
to fall for his traps. One trap involves
blocking the road with a line of cardboard cutout cows, so he clearly isn’t
culling our brightest minds.
The hero of the movie is in some ways worse that the
villain. Bruce is a complete hayseed
goofball and an attempted date rapist to boot.
It’s painfully obvious why Terry would choose Vincent over him. He spends most of the movie being petulant
and jealous of his (much) older brother.
Bruce is the only person in the movie Vincent gets annoyed with. He even fumbles his way through the climactic
chainsaw fight. It’s hard not to look
badass when in a chainsaw fight, but Bruce somehow manages.
Director Kevin Connor, who’s done a ton of TV movies you’ve
never heard of, nails the tone. It is
much more of a black comedy than horror, but it does have just enough of the ‘70s
exploitation grit to keep things feeling a little queasy. While it rarely gets scary, the climax is a
100% handcrafted nightmare. [SPOILER FOR
SOMETHING SHOWN ON THE BLU RAY COVER] Bruce finally pieces together what has been happening (for the last twenty years) and confronts Vincent in the smoke
house. As he is untying Terry (who it
turns out does not want to be in cannibal food service) Vincent bursta out of
the back room wearing a bloody pig head and holding a huge chainsaw.
Confession: when I was a little boy, I saw the pig head image on the
cover of Fangoria and it scared the shit out of me (the MANIAC poster
did the same thing). So yes, this scene might
have had more impact on me than a normal person, but that scene is insane. It takes the whole movie for Vincent to
crack, but when he does, he cracks big. Immediately
after the pig head comes off, though, I’m back to feeling sorry for him. I can’t remember if Rory Calhoun was nominated
for an Oscar that year, but if he wasn’t, he deserved it. Marlon Brando never elicited that kind of sympathy while half cut in two by a chainsaw. And isn't that the real test of an actor's craft?
C Chaka
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