land of the rising sun and robot hotels, has its own special brand of crazy. A million different influences are filtered through
its unique cultural outlook. This is especially evident in its movies.
Sometimes they can be too obsessive to hold my attention. Occasionally they can be so disturbing I don't
even want to translate the title, much less watch it. Often, though, they hit a
sweet spot between relatable and unexpectedly bizarre. This is why BATTLE ROYALE is so much more
interesting than its slick, melodramatic western ripoff, HUNGER GAMES. Japan's cartoons are probably the purest
distillation of this. Anime is unbound by anything but imagination. I’ve been
out of the anime game for a while, but a recent recommendation pulled me back
in. Weirdly, it’s a movie about car
racing. For a movie to get me interested
in car racing, it would have to be pretty special. REDLINE is pretty special.
The Capsule:
Years after transitioning to fancy “air cars”, traditional
car racing has gone underground. By
traditional racing I mean no rules vehicular mayhem over miles of dangerous
terrain driven by aliens and cyborgs firing missiles and grappling hooks at
each other. I’m not that familiar with
NASCAR, but I’m assuming it’s similar.
The most popular and most dangerous of these events is the Redline. The long shot this year is “Sweet” JP, a
human rocking a huge pompadour and a badass yellow muscle car. He is only in on a technicality after being
“accidentally” blown up by his mobbed up partner Frisbee just before finishing
the qualifying race. His competition is
considerably more intimidating. There’s
Machine Head, a huge cyborg with a piston shaped skull and his own theme music who
is literally built into his vehicle. The
Mad Brothers, Lynchman and Johnny Boya, are a pair of bounty hunters with a
penchant for sabotage. Gori Rider is a
renegade cop who plays by his own rules, most of which involve demolishing
people. The Super Boins are glammed up
psychotic sex starlets from Supergrass, “a planet ruled by a princess with
magical powers.” The odds on favorite is
Sonoshee, a perky but single minded human racer with a tricked out hover
car. The chances of surviving, much less
winning, are astronomically low, though, since this year’s Redline is set on
Roboworld. The ultraconservative militaristic
autocracy that rules Roboworld considers itself the moral paragon of the known
galaxy and will stop at nothing to wipe out the lowlife racing scum.
First off the bat, this movie is gorgeous. It is practically all hand drawn cell animation,
as far as I can tell. It’s beautiful
from the opening frame, and that’s literally a shot of garbage. Scenes of actual pretty things look even
better. The animation seems to be a mix of
styles, all working perfectly together. Sometimes
it reminded me of non-Japanese stuff like Aeon Flux or HEAVY METAL. You don’t need to know shit about animation
to appreciate this, though, only eyeballs.
Second off the bat, this movie is mind-bogglingly
insane. It’s the kind of movie Vin
Diesel’s character from THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS would dream up after watching
a STAR WARS marathon while on peyote.
There are so many bizarre layers swimming around together that it’s
almost overwhelming. There are some
parts that are literally indescribable. As
in, I cannot figure a way of accurately describing them. They look cool, though.
The alien designs are outstanding. There are dog people, guys with “T” shaped
heads, guys with no skin who are extremely emotionally sensitive, tiny parrot headed
swindlers in track suits. JP’s partner
Frisbee is some kind of reptilian dude with narrow bands of regular flesh across
his scaly face, like a stencil pattern.
Even his crusty mechanic, Old Man (or Pops, if you are reading the
subtitles) is 8 feet tall with four arms and moves around like a spider. After all that, the cyborgs from Roboworld
seem quaint.
And speaking of those
assholes, Roboworld is a piece of work. It’s
like Donald Trump’s vision of a future utopia.
The whole moral angle is bullshit, they are just scared people will find out about their sneaky deals and plots. We’re first introduced to the President of Roboworld as he’s complaining
about all the refugees on one of their habitable but kind of shitty moons. They can’t touch the racers who are using the
moon as sort of an Olympic Village because they gave the refugees autonomy in
exchange for staying out of Roboworld proper.
Now all they can do is whine about it and try to intimidate the
racers. Once they set foot (or wheel, or
hover) on Roboworld, though, the top brass plans to obliterate them with an
orbital cannon. Luckily, Redline is a
big deal in the galaxy, and the organizers sabotage the cannon and cause enough
of a diversion to get the competitors in.
They are still being dropped into the middle of a war zone, however. Roboworld throws everything they have at the
racers, including a massively powerful illegal bioweapon that looks like a
giant plasma baby. It’s named Funky
Boy. Because why not name your secret superweapon
Funky Boy? You would think this was in
response to a full scale planetary invasion, but no, it’s just to stop a bunch
of racers. Slight overreaction, if you
ask me.
Not that the racers themselves are harmless. With the exception of JP, everyone’s vehicle
is loaded with missiles, machine guns, eyeball lasers, and other dangerous racing
accessories. Some of the missiles have
faces and laugh manically when launched.
The Super Boins’ lady car transforms into a full-on (and ludicrous)
humanoid mecha. All of this is fully
sanctioned, even encouraged, by the Redline organizers. They seem oblivious to any corruption or
unfair advantages as long as the competition remains popular and brings in the
money. You know, kind of like FIFA.
For those of you who thought the physics in the Wachowski’s
SPEED RACER was too grounded in reality, REDLINE should be right up your
alley. Virtually everything that happens
in this movie would kill a normal person.
JP goes so fast he begins hemorrhaging from his nose, and that was just in
the qualifying race. It would be
impossible to control any of these vehicles.
The conditions are so extreme that even little Anakin Skywalker would
sit this shit out. At one point, JP’s
car spins like a top and skips over the water, only to recover afterwards. In the context of this movie, it seems plausible
enough. The action is so far over the
top, you just go with it.
It gets so crazy near the end that, in order to stop the out
of control Funky Boy, one of the Roboworld generals transforms himself into a
giant, um, thing? That’s one of the
indescribable moments I was talking about.
So, suddenly in the middle of a race movie, there’s a huge kaiju (monster)
fight. Who wins? No idea.
Once the racers get past the battling beasties, it’s never brought up
again. If it’s not part of the race, it’s
At its core, though, REDLINE is a simple underdog sports
story. JP is like the lifeline, just
hold on to his story and you’ll make it through unharmed. He’s a great anchor for the movie. Even though he’s established as a rebel with
a devil-may-care attitude, he’s also a pretty good guy. He has a laid back charm that’s easy to
like. He’s fiercely loyal to his friends
(even to those who don’t deserve it), relentlessly confident (but not cocky),
and fearless. He’s even a romantic. Sonoshee catches his eye because of her
racing prowess and determination, not just because she’s a cutie. Their chemistry together is very sweet.
[Spoiler] When
Sonoshee’s vehicle is taken out of commission, JP even lets her continue the
race in his car. She’s not just a spectator
or a passenger. They become a real team,
working together towards the common goal.
The two of them cozied up in JP’s one person cockpit is pretty sexy,
even. It reminded me of the trunk scene
with George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez from OUT OF SIGHT, except ridiculously
more unsafe.
[Even more of a SPOILER] The end of the race takes it just
as far as it could possibly go. JP is
pushing it so hard in the last stretch against Machine Head that his car completely
disintegrates. His and Sonoshee’s bodies
are sent hurling across the finish line a millisecond before Machine Head. Either there was some kind of anti-gravity
safety net or it was a mystically transcending experience, because they just
float together in each other’s arms instead of becoming red paste. The best thing, though, is the reactions of
all the other racers. They are all happy
for JP and Sonoshee, even the ones who were trying to kill them a few minutes
before. I think it’s because they know
it was an amazing finish to the race.
And it’s all about the race.
I would like to know what happened to Funky Boy, though.
C Chaka